We have the experience and technical know-how to answer your questions, problem solve and help provide a solution to your specific needs. Along with a full range of Technical Bulletins of key subjects, we also offer general advice, NZ Standard compliance checks, full engineer design and sign-off services.
For ultimate peace of mind around your project, Oceanic Glass Innovations can offer a Glazing Specification Report, tailor-made to your project and including:
For more detail email specify@oceanicglassinnovations.com
Compare different make ups in a relevant ‘apples to apples’ comparison as well as translate performance values from Glass-only to Total System (glass + frame + sealants) and any standards into compatible AFRC standards. European Standards (EN) also available for use in Passive House calculations
Oceanic Glass Innovations values education, collaboration & sharing of our experience and expertise around Glass, so you can make informed decisions with confidence of compliance and suitability. Educational presentations are available
including 1 Formal Point CPD accredited presentations that can be conducted in person or via video conferencing.
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